Building the Society, We Want to Live in.

Nextier Liberia (NL) is set-up as a multi-disciplinary advisory firm that mirrors the service offering of the parent company, Nextier Advisory in Nigeria.

Nextier Advisory
About Nextier Liberia (NL)
We are Nextier Liberia (NL) a multi-disciplinary advisory firm that mirrors the service offering of the parent company, Nextier Advisory in Nigeria. For its. Service delivery, Nextier Liberia draws on resources from within Liberia and globally to ensure a mix of local context and knowledge together with best practices and innovation.
Our Commitment

We are focused on delivering sustained impact. We are motivated by a deep and all-encompassing desire to see a society that works for all. We think. We do. We engage. Actively

Our Motivation

Africa’s challenges are daunting. Indeed, as the world becomes richer, poverty becomes more African. The solution demand bold and innovative solutions that drive inclusive and sustainable growth.

Our Core Value

At the core of the NextierLiberia DNA is a commitment to leave the world better than we met it we remain FOCUS, RIGOUR, ALIGN, GLOCAL


Let’s make something beautiful

Building the Society, We Want to Live in.

Africa’s challenges are daunting. Indeed, as the world becomes richer, poverty becomes more African. The solution demand bold and innovative solutions that drive inclusive and sustainable growth. These solutions must account for the continent’s realities and must not be at the environment’s expense. While mindful of the various theories that seek to explain Africa’s underperformance, we find the institutionalist theory compelling as it provides a pathway to address many of the causative factors and drive economic progress. We seek innovative ways to partner – with the government, private sector, development agencies, civil society organisations, and academia – to build a society that works for all of us.

About company

We offer evidence-based analysis to inform action.

We are focused on delivering sustained impact. We are motivated by a deep and all-encompassing desire to see a society that works for all. We think. We do. We engage. Actively. When there is a problem with the way society works, we seek pragmatic ways to solve it. We “work with the grain.” We are not slaves to “best practices;” rather, we seek ways to position ideas that fit the political and economic reality of the spaces in which we operate. We achieve this feat through a hands-on engagement with the various strata of society with a voice or influence on the solutions.

Meet The Team

In Liberia, NL’s immediate areas of focus are:

Agriculture, Finance, Investment, Energy, Entrepreneurship, Policy and Research




Building the Society, We Want to Live in

We sit at the confluence of rigorous evidence-informed solutions and a deep understanding of Africa’s public institutions. From that vantage position, we see

that it is possible to build an Africa that works. We are committed to providing solutions to the continent’s development challenges.

Teamwork builds trust

Our People
Patrick Okigbo III
Umar Nuhu Mohammed
Professor Geegbae Geegbae
Darkina Cooper